The 2023-24 School Choice Program application process is now OPEN!
This year the state will be using an electronic application through Jotform to help align the application with the Louisiana Scholarship Program application and to ensure coordination across the programs.
All applications must be submitted by March 6, 2023
Families can access the application using this link: https://form.jotform.
If you encounter any issues and have any questions, please reach out to their office at [email protected].
Continuing students in the School Choice Program
They must reapply in order to maintain their award for the upcoming school year. Continuing students will not need to provide and IEP or proof of residency.
New participants
Parents will be asked to upload a copy of their IEP or district created service plan.
All proofs of residency must be current and should match with the student’s address listed in this application. The person named on this proof of residency must be the parent or responsible adult of the student.
Documents accepted:
Dated Rental lease
Agreement/mortgage agreement
Telephone bill (landline only)
Sewage/water bill
Current Official letter from a
Government Agency (DSS, DHH)
Cable or internet service bill
Electricity/Gas bill
Most recent property tax notice
In order to be eligible for an award, students must meet the following criteria:
Have an exceptionality of autism, intellectual disability, brain injury,
developmental delay, other health impairment, emotional disturbance, or
specific learning disability.
Be evaluated by the local school district and have an IEP or a district-created
service plan. Note: Families will be required to upload copies of the IEP or district-created service plan along with proof of residency during the completion of the application.