Surveys to complete
We appreciate your input in planning events here at St. Therese! Please take a few moments to read through these surveys.
Spring Fundraiser Committees
Our Car Show was a huge success and now it's time to move on to planning our Spring Concert Fundraiser and we need your help! Are you blessed with a gift and willing to share it with us by being part of a committee? If so, please sign up below! We will have a KICK OFF meeting at the beginning of November!
Family Mass at SMM
This Sunday will be Family Mass at SMM at 10:30am. Ms. Blanco will get donuts for after Mass and wants to get a head count! Please fill out if you plan to attend Family Mass!
Summer Interest Survey
We realize it's only October...but we are trying to gauge interest of our families in regards to summer programs here at St. Therese! Please help us out by answering these 2 questions!
Open House Help
Parents help is needed for guiding parents around campus, working the sign-in table, serving refreshment, setting up, etc.. We couldn't do it without your support! If you can help, please fill out this form!
St. Therese Academy Dads' Club